Shakespeare’s Henry V (Fall 2022)

The title page of The Chronicle History of Henry the Fifth (1600).

Lord Denney's Player is holding its ninth production, The Chronicle History of Henry the Fifth, this fall (2022). It will be directed by Sean Naughton, a lecturer in Theatre, Film, and Media Arts. The Chronicle Henry V is the shorter first quarto text of Shakespeare's Henry V, sometimes disparagingly known as the "bad" quarto. The show will run November 9, 10, 15, 16, 17 in the MadLab Theatre in downtown Columbus. As MadLab is easy to get to on foot or by transit, no transportation will be provided. As always with LDP shows, English majors get in free, and tickets will cost $5 students/$10 general admission, and each show will be followed by a talkback. Tickets will go on sale in mid-October.

Auditions for Henry V will occur on Tuesday, September 6 (Denney Hall 311) & Wednesday, September 7 (Denney Hall 238), with callbacks on Thursday, September 8 (Denney 311). Auditioners should prepare a short (60 second) monologue from a Shakespeare play and prepare to be given sides to cold read. No experience is necessary. Faculty, staff, and graduate student participation is totally encouraged - Henry V is an ensemble show, so if you were looking to dip your toe into an LDP experience, this play is a perfect opportunity!!


Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Fall 2023)


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